
David A. Johnson

About Me

"My ethos, my writings, my thoughts."

I had been contemplating tentatively the Christian faith with head but not heart for many years.  I extolled its virtues for others but not for myself. “Start with love” said Peter France regarding his own conversion. Drop the doubts, the scrutiny, and the supremacy of rationality. I did, and I became a Christian.

History is our richest gift, boundless and exciting. I have been enraptured by history since a child. The sense of history is the sense of life lived and living. History is always distrusted and plundered by ideology, as it is today. I want to write in history’s defence.

First Russian, then Polish writers and poets saved me from the death of atheism and ideology. I sought and found in the poetry of ancient Christian nations that which my own society is so keen to repudiate or ignore. The pilgrimage through and into the lands of poetry began.

A passion for history and a talent for writing

The writings and images collected through the medium of  The Cultural Christian are in defence of the faith, in defence of the past and in reverence of the cultures engendered by the faith and the past. I write to defend the past, through the faith and through the national personalities of that Christian influence and belief. I love Britain’s past although I am not so in love with Britain’s present. I write  therefore to embrace history, and to revere beauty.

I aspire to defend and revere the Christian victims of persecution that the West seems intent on ignoring. Who nowadays talks of the Armenians ? Said Hitler, and he could as well have said it now; who talks of The Copts, Armenians, Assyrians and Pakistani Christians ? To name but a few. Dismally, very few are even conscious of this issue- even amongst Christians themselves ! I write for them in an indifferent epoch.

I love languages. No linguist am I, though I have succeeded in developing a knowledge of French, Polish and a  rudimentary awareness with other languages. I have a ceaseless, ardent desire to know more from the original tongue of the nations that fascinate me. I  categorically use the term nations because I believe in nations- the personality of a country shows in its nationhood.

I am defiantly reactionary, old fashioned, endlessly nostalgic and inclined to look upon the present with undisguised scorn.

I love language as a form of thought that expresses the most beautiful and the most sincere in the authentic voice of the nation. I wish to write about Poland, Serbia, Russia, Hungary, Armenia and other countries with rich and wonderful histories. I revere the poets from these countries.

I write about the West. The West with its inherent deep faults and contradictions was, nonetheless, once a benign force, an inspirational force on occasion. Nowadays we are lost. The West has become  faithless, historically illiterate, intent on orphaning itself, self loathing  and incorrigibly narcissistic. It has long ago abandoned beauty and faith. Perhaps even worse, it seeks to convert others within its sphere of influence to take its path of ideology.

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