

A Memoir of Hungary.

One of the most enduringly thought provoking and prophetic of books that I have had the good fortune to encounter is Memoir of Hungary by


Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that begat us. The Lord hath wrought great glory through them by His great power from


Ecclesiasticus. Let us now praise famous men and our fathers that begat us. The Lord hath wrought great glory through them by His great power


We have reached a miserable and unprecedented point. After prolonged exposure to degeneracy; a degeneracy masquerading as those twin necessities education and progress, we are

The Modern and the Past.

” Poet, you who are my guide,  Consider if I have the strength and skill, Before you set me on this rugged road.” “ We

Tourism and the Sanctity of Worship.

I quite vividly recall an exasperated elderly worshipper in a Polish church which was rather plagued with tourists turning in desperation and admonishing those of

Picture of Jasmine Sophia

Jasmine Sophia

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