We have reached a miserable and unprecedented point. After prolonged exposure to degeneracy; a degeneracy masquerading as those twin necessities education and progress, we are morally marooned and intellectually neutered. The once capacious mind is restricted hurtfully with no impulse nor instinct to recognise historical beauty, majesty, dignity and conviction.

Nowhere is this indiscriminating disability more apparent than in the ideologically induced disdain poured forth # when contemplating what ought to be the Queen of our heritage, the Nineteenth Century. Perversely, it is the age perhaps most maligned and denigrated. All the complexity; its protean thinkers, its dynamism, its earnestness can be disregarded with sordid application of ideological scorn.

Radiant beauty however cannot be dissected nor eradicated. It endures as true, worthy, dignified and majestic. The beauty of history its wholeness and immutable conviction enrich us, we imperil this, we have willingly and wilfully orphaned ourselves.



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