
A Good Time for Ethnic Cleansing

It’s a good time to be an ethnic cleanser of Christians! In this unholy  endeavour the West has got  your back. It is not a good time to be a Christian. It is a nightmarish time to be a Christian who has a deep association with  ethnicity, heritage and history. Two geographical regions steeped in Christian history, tradition and memory have seen their Christian heritage extirpated- with either the connivance of or due to  the deliberate will of the West.

Azerbaijan has now, probably irrevocably, annihilated a centuries old Christian civilization. Their Turkish partner’s leader Erdogan once boasted that “  We will continue to finish this mission which our grandfathers have carried out for centuries “  Now that mission of the elimination of an entire  people has moved one step closer.

Armenia has once again been coldly, cynically, ruthlessly betrayed. First by the usual anti Christian cabal of the media. It has to be acknowledged that some Western media are reporting this latest episode  sympathetically. It is reported as a conflict however not as an ongoing genocide. The historical element of this conflict is essential to its understanding. The media however report it as a normal conflict, tit for tat, leaving out, of course the ethno- religious hatred which fuels the expulsions and conquest.

 What of Western governments?  The United Kingdom,  which possesses surely one of the most cynical and amoral foreign policy structures in the Western world, has done its usual nothing. Hand wringing from France, half hearted missals from America. The familiar story of feigned impotence. In stark contrast to Armenia’s isolation Azerbajzan’s customer list  is genuinely impressive and  multi national: Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Turkey and a host of other actors have fuelled the latest attacks; Armenia lacks oil.

Let us compare and contrast this absolute cynical inactivity  with the current tensions in Kosovo. Kosovo is a state created by an illegal war during  an egregious spell of Western  hubris from 1999. The more than dubious “ government “ of Kosovo has had to deal recently with an armed group which claimed to be acting in the name of the suffering Serbs of the province. Serbia is concerned and has been accused of wishing to send in its own troops- to a region which once belonged to it of course prior to the war of 1999.  NATO has rushed headlong into the fray. There have been no delays here, no complexity, no calls for restraint; NATO forces have been mobilised and Serbia has been warned to stay away.

Sickeningly, the illegitimate government of Kosovo obtains immediate military support. Frankenstein must support his monster. Armenians are left to experience their continuing genocide.I do not use that word lightly.  This is unique! This is a continuing genocide of an ancient Christian people, in which the perpetrators barely seek to hide their motive; and nothing is done. Kosovo was ethnically cleansed in the immediate aftermath of the illegal war, NATO feigned impotence. As was the Krajina region, this  ethnic cleansing  in Krajina was covertly funded and supported by the US. Artsakh is now fully ethnically cleansed, and, apparently the oil and arms contracts keep piling up for Azerbaijan. No one cares. The West unanimously denounces ethnic cleansing; unless those being cleansed are Christian.



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