
“What have you done with the faith that He gave you ? “

This website is about faith and belief and the culture which it interacts with. It explores trends and  motivations in that hemispheric and cultural entity called the West. I am neither specialist nor cosmopolitan  globe trotter able to report back from multiple, far flung locations; my experience is  primarily British.

 I am interested in cultural trends and attitudes and how they interact with the faith. The contemporary West’s attitude to its historical faith illustrates malaise  and decadence.  What interaction, awareness and affection has the modern West for the cultures, dilemmas and fate of Christian peoples? The dismal answer is of course, very little.  Very little awareness and equally minimal emotive connection.  Once this was distinctly different.

Who in the West today acts for the Armenians, Copts or Assyrians ? A sparse number indeed. This is not merely a result of apathy, indifference, the baneful influence of consumerism or ultra individuality, other factors are lurking here. There is energy and application in the West.  There is, arguably, a surfeit of activism and agitation for a bewildering variety of causes in western countries : persecuted Christians, however,are not associated with this activism, their situation is not congenial  nor congruous with  the over riding narrative ubiquitous in the West.

There  is a deep, expanding and insidious self imposed malaise at the heart of the politics and culture in the West. I want to ceaselessly  raise the issue of Christian persecution and  the failure of western responses- primarily due to alternative preoccupations.  I believe a country or a region which loses love for its own faith and past orphans itself and I witness  that the West is in the throes of a significantly deleterious ideological episode, but is largely oblivious to this fact. I borrow an entirely appropriate  phrase from Leszek Kołakowski :  “  our merry apocalypse “ as suited to our times.

 I believe Christianity is a delight. I see the evidence for this is everywhere in art, architecture and outlook. I am convinced it is also undermined and disregarded in western society, paradoxically with great frequently by Christians themselves.



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